The Municipality of Greenstone offers two Transport-Canada certified airports and a heliport to support a variety of service needs for the area, including passenger and freight services, MOH MedEvac services, and OMNRF aviation and fire suppression operations.
New business is always welcome at Greenstone's airports. Our runways can accommodate large aircraft including corporate jets and turbo props, and we have availability for land lease opportunities. At the Greenstone Regional Airport, the Greenstone Regional Skills Training Centre offers facility rental and specialized services.
renald y beaulieu Greenstone Regional Airport - CYGQ
Visit us at 102 MacOdrum Drive in Geraldton, Ontario. The Greenstone Regional Airport is a key airport for MedEvac transportation and is home to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Greenstone Fire Management Headquarters. Our location provides an important stopover point for long-haul flights and periodic military aviation exercises.
Our airport includes:
- A 5,000 foot runway, modern terminal building and fueling amenities
- Open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with extended regular hours of operation during the fire season.
For reference you can view the Greenstone Regional Airport flight supplement and air pilot information. This should not to be used for flight.
For additional information, contact the Airport Terminal Office or the email the Airports Manager.
R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport - CYQN
Visit us at 450 Cordingley Lake Road in Nakina, Ontario. The R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport is an important transportation link for remote tourism, First Nation communities and resource-based industry in Ontario's Far North.
Our airport includes:
- A 3,500 foot runway, modern terminal building and fueling amenities
- Open Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Reference R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport flight supplement and air pilot information; not to be used for flight.
For additional information, contact the Airport Terminal Office or the Airports Manager.
Nakina airport offers charter services through ZAM Air. You can contact ZAM directly at 807-329-5341 for booking information. ZAM Air offers service to the following remote First Nations communities in the Far North:
- Fort Hope - Eabametoong First Nation
- Ogoki - Marten Falls First Nation
- Lansdowne House - Neskantaga First Nation
- Webequie - Webequie First Nation
View the Ontario map of Air Transportation Links.
Airport fees and by-laws
For a listing of airport service fees including call outs and after hour service, view our Airport Feesin Schedule "F" of our Fees and Charges By-law. All fees apply to both airports in Greenstone.
Restrictions for drones apply at the airports. View Flying Your Drone Safely and Legally for more information from Transport Canada and access the interactive Drone Site Selection Tool.
Beardmore Heliport
Visit us at 100 Main Street in Beardmore, Ontario. The heliport is dedicated to the provision of essential air transport, such as MedEvac. Please contact us to get prior clearance to use the heliport for another purpose.
Leasing at our airports
Both the Greenstone Region Airport and Nakina airport have land available for lease. Inquiries for lease opportunities can be directed to the Airports Manager.
Aircraft we can accommodate
We can accommodate a variety of different aircraft at our airports. Check out our photo gallery!
Contact Us