The Municipality of Greenstone recognizes the valued contributions being provided through the volunteer efforts of community organizations and agencies on behalf of citizens. Grant funding demonstrates Council’s commitment to working with groups that provide these beneficial programs, services, or events to the community.
Every year the Municipality receives numerous requests for financial assistance and/or use of Municipal resources. The Municipal Grant and Resource Allocation Policy was adopted by Council to allow for the allocation of Municipal funds and resources fairly and consistently. The aim of the ‘Municipal Grants Program’ is to share available resources throughout the Municipality in a fair and consistent manner through an application process. Grants are intended to provide modest levels of support and assistance to community groups/organizations for activities and events.
Applications are reviewed by Municipal staff to make sure they qualify and are then presented to Council for approval as per the Policy. Please make sure to submit your application well in advance of your event to allow time for this process.
Some organizations and events receive yearly monetary funding and/or in-kind services, based on the policy, without the need to apply.
The Municipality also pays the liability insurance for organized Canada Day events currently supported by the Municipality. Any insurance related to alcohol will not be paid for by the Municipality and must be presented to the Municipality prior to an event should it be required.
The Municipality also contributes to area Pow-Wows on a yearly basis.
types of grants
Community Events
Community events are defined as a recurring event or a one-time or first-time event that is of cultural, social or recreational significance to the community and which may have the participation of more than one organization and is open to all members of the public.
In-Kind Contributions
These grants are based on the provision of municipal property/facilities, materials, or resources to an applicant, and do not include the provision of cash funds to, or on behalf of, the applicant. While cash funds are not provided in relation to In-Kind grants, it is recognized that such grants will involve either an expense or foregone revenue for the municipality. Each application for In-Kind grants will include specific resources being requested and their anticipated location and use. The following are considered in-kind contributions: use of municipal assets at no cost including the municipal tents, facilities, parks, staff, and equipment.
Successful Grant Requirements
These grants are only available to local organizations and the event that the grant is being requested for will be evaluated partially on the below points:
- Be open to all residents of Greenstone.
- Promote the Municipality of Greenstone as a desirable place to live, visit and do business.
- Promote the Municipality of Greenstone as a visitor destination and/or bring tourism-associated revenue to the Municipality.
- Enhance the quality of life and well-being of the residents of the municipality.
- Advance the Municipality’s commitment to, and pride in, being a multicultural community.
- Encourage the development of identity and pride.
- Promote cultural and artistic awareness among the residents of the municipality.
- Promote accessibility.
Please review the Municipal Grant and Resource Allocation Policy to see if your event is eligible for funding and to make sure you have all of the required information before submitting an application. If you are requesting In-Kind support only, please complete the In-Kind Support Application.
Applications may be submitted at any Municipal office or by emailing us.
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