Local laws are passed by the Municipality of Greenstone's Council. By-Laws can cover a variety of community rules including clean yards, noise, swimming pool fences and open air burning. By-Laws help to keep our community safe while being good neighbours to one another.
By-law enforcement
If you believe someone is not following the regulation in a By-Law, you can file a written By-Law complaint.
Our By-Law Enforcement Officer will respond to any by-law enforcement concerns made by a member of the public. A warning or fine may be issued if a by-law violation has occurred.
VIEW By-Laws
Struggling to find a specific by-law? Feel free to contact the Clerk to help you find what you're looking for.
If you are looking to build or develop your property, be sure to review our zoning by-laws before you apply for a building permit.
Property standards
Property standards by-laws apply to all a property owners in the Municipality of Greenstone.