If you would like to publicly present a subject matter to the Municipality of Greenstone Council, you can present a deputation. A deputation is a written or verbal presentation that is given during a council meeting.
Request for deputation
People wishing to speak before Council need to submit a written request for a deputation along with all supporting documentation before noon on the Tuesday prior to the meeting. The purpose of a deputation is to provide information to Council. Council will not make any decisions based on a deputation but may ask staff to bring back a report for more information.
To help make your deputation as effective as possible, please consider the following guidelines:
- You should state your name and organizational affiliation before you address Council
- You should speak through the Mayor when answering any Council member questions
- You should address the Mayor as “your worship”, for example “through you, your worship, I would like to answer Councillor ABC's question…”
- Your presentation is to be addressed to Council as a whole and not to individual Council members
- Council members may interrupt you if they need more information
- Make your presentation short, clear and to the point
- Deputations will not be longer than 10 minutes
- Do not interrupt the Mayor or a member of Council
- It is expected that speakers will observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum and good taste
Submit a letter
Residents and local organizations are welcome submit correspondence addressed to Mayor and Council that will form part of the next Regular Council Meeting agenda. Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communication may become part of the public record and may be made available to the Public through the Council Agenda process.The letter can be dropped off at the Greenstone Administration Office or submitted to the Clerk. All subject matter that would be considered operational or governed within a Municipality Policy or By-law will be responded to in accordance with the established practice.
All correspondence shall be addressed to Mayor and Council, be respectful and not contain any improper or offensive language.
At-large correspondence
At large correspondence such as resolutions of support or proclamations will be circulated to Council via email, should a Council member wish to discuss or consider the at-large correspondence the item is forwarded to the Clerk to be added on the next Regular Council Agenda.
Submitting a Petition to Council
If you would like to express a joint public opinion to the Municipality of Greenstone Council, you will need to submit a petition form to the Office of the Clerk. You can submit the petition form in-person, by mail or email.
- The petition shall be addressed to the Municipality of Greenstone Council and request a particular action that is within the authority of Council
- The petition must be appropriate and respectful in tone and must not contain any improper or offensive language or information
- The petition must be legible, typwritten or printed in ink
- Each page of the petition shall include the text of the petition at the top of each page
- Each page shall clearly disclose on that it will be considered a public document and that information contained in it may be subject to the scrutiny of the Municipality of Greenstone including other members of the public
- Each page should be numbered and total number of pages must be indicated
- Each resident signing the petition shall print and sign their name, and include their full address
- The request and copies will be circulated to Members of Council by the Clerk through the public agenda
- The petition must be presented at an open meeting of Council through a deputation (By-Law 19-36)
Contact Us
1800 Main Street, Box 70 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0
T. 807-854-1100 ext. 2059
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