2025 Tax information
- Council has approved a 3.02% tax levy increase to maintain current service levels and support debt repayments and capital projects
- Total 2025 Tax Supported Budget (Including Capital) $26,642,459.80
The Municipality’s operating budget contains over $4 million in external levies.
These are expenses that the Municipality is charged by outside organizations, such as:
- Policing (OPP)
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board
- Superior North Emergency Medical Service
- Library Services
2025 Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Budget
- The total Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Budget for 2025 is $11,140,600
- A 5.6% increase in water rates will raise residential rates from $289.50 per quarter to $305.71 or $16.21 more
- A 4.0% increase in wastewater rates will raise residential rates from $265.84 per quarter to $276.47 or $10.63 more
- Residential users that are connected to both water and sewer will see an increase to their annual cost of $107.39 or about $8.94 per month
expenses $11,140,600
revenue $11,140,600
Did you know?
The Municipality of Greenstone contributed over $76,000 to local organizations and community events in 2024. These included:
- Canada Day Celebrations in Beardmore, Geraldton, and Nakina
- The Beardmore Winter Carnival
- The Greenstone Harvest Food Bank
- Nakina Spring Thaw/Winter Carnival
- Christmas events in Geraldton, Longlac, and Nakina
- Kenogamisis Fish and Game
- First Nation Pow Wows
- Summerfest in Longlac
- Kenogamisis Golf Club
- The adult and children’s concert series
- The Beardmore and Nakina Seniors Clubs
- Club des Francophones de Longlac
This amount does not include the multiple in-kind donations (staff time, facility use, tents, tables, etc.) for many events such as the Walleye Masters, United for Literacy Day Camp Program, Nakina Fish Derby and the Walleye Classic. The Municipality also provides subsidized space to various organizations. A full report on these contributions will be available at the Monday, February 10, 2025 Regular Meeting of Council.
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