The Municipality of Greenstone is excited to announce applications are now being accepted for the Esnagami Memorial Bursary. The Esnagami Memorial Bursary was established by the former towns of Geraldton, Longlac and Nakina in memory of seven young people who died tragically in August 1979 while learning and practicing the management of resources. Each year, the Municipality of Greenstone supports a student pursuing a career related to forestry through the Esnagami Memorial Bursary. One eligible applicant is selected and an award of $1000 is provided in memory of these young lives.
Eligibility Criteria
- 2025 graduates that are residents of the Municipality of Greenstone attending Geraldton Composite High School or Ecole secondaire Chateau Jeunesse.
- Entering into the first year of post-secondary education in a field related to forestry.
Submission Requirements
- A signed complete application form submitted to the Clerk on or before May 5, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
- Academic standing completed by your high school.
- One teacher reference.
- Copy of your application to the selected post-secondary institution.
How to Apply
- Obtain PDFs of academic standing and teacher reference and submit your application online; or
- Download the application, and submit with all required documentation by email or bring the package to the Greenstone Administration Office.
For more information about this opportunity please contact the Clerk or call (807) 854-1100 ext. 2059.
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