The Municipality of Greenstone is seeking a community representative for appointment to the Greenstone O.P.P. Detachment Board. This opportunity offers a chance to actively participate in shaping local law enforcement and safety initiatives. The Council will review and consider qualified applicants and appoint one (1) individual for the remainder of the current term.


The Board advises the Ontario Provincial Police local Detachment Commander with respect to O.P.P. services in the catchment area of the Board. O.P.P. Detachment Board. Key responsibilities include:

  • Consult with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a detachment commander and otherwise participate, in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, in the selection of the detachment commander;
  • Determine objectives and priorities for the detachment, not inconsistent with the strategic plan prepare by the Minister, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  • Advise the detachment commander with respect to policing provided by the detachment;
  • Monitor the performance of the detachment commander;
  • Review the reports from the detachment commander or his or her designate regarding policing provided by the detachment;
  • On or before June 30 in each year, provide an annual report to the municipalities and band councils regarding the policing provided by the detachment in their municipalities or First Nation reserves.
  • An O.P.P. Detachment Board may also establish local policies, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate, with respect to policing in the area receiving policing from the detachment.

 Eligibility for Membership: 

  • Canadian Citizen (or landed immigrant)
  • Resident of the Municipality of Greenstone
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Not one of the following: Judge or Justice of the Peace; Member of a Police Service, Special Constable, or a First Nation Officer; someone practicing criminal law (either defense or prosecution); a Director, Officer, or Employee of any policing provider; a former member of the OPP; a former member of a police board (if you left less than a year ago)

Note that prior to being considered by Council for appointment, applicants will need to provide a current Criminal Record Check for review by Greenstone Administration prior to any recommendation to Council as being a qualified applicant.

Additional Requirements:

As a Board Member, you will be expected to:

  • Take an oath or affirmation of office
  • Successfully complete all training (primarily online) as assigned by the Ministry or the Municipality of Greenstone
  • Comply with the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 Code of Conduct
  • Support the key responsibilities of the Board
  • Abide by the terms of reference
  • Attend the Board meetings (minimum of 4 per calendar year)

How to Apply

Complete the application below. Feel free to include your resume, a cover letter, or information you feel is beneficial to Council in making their appointment decision as an attachment. Qualified applicants will be contacted by the Clerk with additional information on proceeding with a Criminal Record Check.

Apply online:



Download an application form or pick up a copy at your local ward office. Once complete, return to:

Greenstone Administration Office
Attn: Office of the Clerk
Box 70 - 1800 Main Street
Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0
The deadline to apply is Friday April 11 @ 4:30 p.m.

Additional Information

  • The Board composition is 6 members; 3 Council members from the Municipality of Greenstone, 1 Council member from Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation, 1 community representative appointed by the Municipality of Greenstone Council, and 1 provincial appointee.
  • Remuneration rates for community and provincial appointees are yet to be determined.
  • Appointees will be reimbursed for milage to and from meetings.
  • The current term will end with the term of the current Council, plus up to 6 months, or when a new representative is appointed by the incoming Council. The end of the current term of Council is November 14, 2026.
  • For additional information or inquiries, please contact the Clerk