Photo of Transit Van

The Municipality of Greenstone’s Specialized Transit Program is a door-to-door, pre-booked, shared ride, accessible public transit service for eligible persons in Greenstone. 

The service provides both out of town medical trips and in town transportation for eligible residents. 

In town service is available in the Wards of Geraldton and Longlac. This service will provide transportation to the grocery store, pharmacy, post office, and in town medical appointments.

  • Longlac schedule - Mondays 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • Geraldton schedule - Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

All riders must register prior to booking. Registration forms are available on the Specialized Transit section of the Municipal Website, at any Municipal Ward Office, or by the contacting:

Liette Cardinal, Community Services Administrative Assistant - (807) 854-1100 Ext 2010 Email: